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  3. Kinesiotaping

The kinesiotaping method is designed to facilitate the body’s natural healing process while allowing support and stability to muscles and joints without restricting the body’s range of motion. It is used to successfully treat a variety of orthopedic, neuromuscular, neurological and medical conditions. Both Kinesio Tape and the training protocol have shown results that would have been unheard of using older methods and materials.

Kinesio Tape has a texture and elasticity very close to living human tissue, which has proven more effective over rigid sports tape. Typically the source of the complaint is in the muscle, not in the joint or in the bone. To stabilize the join it is more effective to tape around the muscle to achieve joint correction. Most sport tapes are rigid, designed to immobilize the joint, not the muscle.

In cases of injury or overuse, the muscle loses its elasticity. Kinesio tape was developed to have the same elasticity as healthy human muscle and is designed to stay on the skin where it is applied.

Kinesio Tape is used to;

Re-educate the neuromuscular system
Reduce pain
Optimize performance
Prevent inury
Promote improved circulation and healing

Look What People Have To Say About Lighthouse PT

“…We found Lighthouse PT and he began to feel results after his first treatment. After only 5 visits, Drew’s symptoms subsided and he was able to return to playing baseball…”

“I was able to get back to my favorite activity without pain! Because of the therapy I received I was able to run a half marathon, where just a month previous my knee hurt so badly I could hardly walk…”

“…Fortunately for me, Lighthouse Physical Therapy has consistently been able to get to the root of my pain and treat the true cause, putting me back in the gym quickly! Lighthouse Physical Therapy is an important part of my team!”